In loving memory or in honor of the pets that we love or have loved, and the people who we cherish, with us still or in our hearts.
In Tribute of Pets
Diesel Tremel
Donated by Damon and Sara Tremel
Donated by Michael Fraizer
Walt Grove
Donated by Patty Ragland
Audrey aka Gweneth Pawtrow
Donated by Cary Grinold
Blue Pazos
Donated by Abby Leonard
Donated by Regine Behling
Finn Cuff
Donated by Stacey Weiss
Donated by Barbara Townes’
Desmond and Dylan Galpin
Donated by Anne and James Merkey
Pepper Stieb
Donated by Jerry and Patti Ash
Amelia Amos
Donated by Alexandra Geist
Donated by Malia Ott
Sir Edward Bean
Donated by Davis Bean
Ponoko Finnegan
Donated by Becky Hoover
Ponoko Finnegan
Donated by Melony Austin
Donated by Chantel Scherer
Donated by Kyle Aycock
Donated by Roberta Palanzi
Donated by Chancey Smith
Jasper & Charlie
Donated by Anna Byun
In Tribute of People
Dakota Green
Donated by Francine Gross
Kedar Kulkarni
Donated by Joei M Pagnotta
Kedar Kulkarni
Donated by Rebecca Norman
Diane Meisch
Donated by Sara Bellchamber
Mara Fern
Donated by Ava Cooley
Lily Clark
Donated by Susan Clark
Kelly Cartwright
Donated by Zach Cartwright
Marlene Chapman
Donated by andrea deady
Ange Wallace
Donated by Frank & Elaine Putnam
Rosemary & Charlie Albright
Donated by Laura Albright
Becky Musselwhite
Donated by Pamie Taylor
Peg Dickinson
Donated by Bil Childress
Linda Yeager
Donated by Sandra Hofstatter
Tony & Lysette Teska
Donated by Diane Teska
Karen Aibel
Donated by Christina Brenner
Karen Aibel
Donated by Chriisty Budnick
Connor Rowe
Donated by Alin Bulugean
John Alikonis
Donated by Michael DerBoghosian
Matt & Laura’s Wedding
Donated by Suzanne Underwald
Fay Shea
Donated by Maureen & Thomas Gervasi
John Alikonis
Donated by Annmarie Al-Hussainy
Laura Williams & Matthew Williams
Donated by David Boeberitz
Laura Williams & Matthew Hubbell
Donated by Susan Steel
John Alikonis
Donated by Patrick Sansonetti
Dr Trevor Paris
Donated by Joanne Hoertz
John Alikonis
Donated by Michael Hartel
Stephen & Kim Lynn
Donated by Regina Wuest
John Alikonis
Donated by Cheryl Carfagno
Beverly Arnold
Donated by Beth Gardner
Charlie George
Donated by Eric and Rachel Traub
Mr. Charlie George
Donated by Bhide & Hall Architects Brian Sawyer
Charles "Charlie" George
Donated by Sarah Mausolf
Debbie Stapleton
Donated by Judith H. Turner