Call Animal Control on 904.694.2214 to report a stray cat or dog in the City of Fernandina Beach
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Thank you for choosing to adopt! Let’s get started finding your perfect forever friend.

Make a difference in an animal’s life! Provide future pets in transition temporary shelter and comfort in your loving home.

Volunteers are crucial to our success! Giving your time at our adoption center or resale stores directly helps the animals in our care.

A small or big gesture makes all the difference! Your generosity helps fulfill our mission to turn homeless animals into beloved family pets.
Adopt an Animal
We love bringing pets and people together! View and check out the bios of our furry friends looking for their forever homes. Stop by our adoption center today to find your new companion. No appointment necessary. Our adoption process is designed to carefully match future pets to the best possible home to satisfy mutual interests and needs.
Meet our pets looking for a forever home
2025 Impact
end of February 2025
A shelter must maintain a 90% and above live release rate to be considered no-kill.
Ways to Help
Our mission depends on generous donors, partners and volunteers who recognize the importance of treating homeless animals humanely as they await new owners who are going to love them. Your small or big gesture – whether it’s a direct financial contribution, giving of your time, shopping at our stores or donating furniture and clothing to them, or buying food and items from our wish lists – allows us to shelter, feed and enrich the lives of animals in our care. Please consider supporting us today.

Check here for our latest adoption and fundraising events. They’re a fun and vital way to support our community’s animal welfare needs. Whether you attend, help organize or sponsor our events, this is your chance to feel great and join fellow animal lovers in a good cause.
About Us
Nassau Humane Society improves the lives of homeless animals in our community by providing them shelter and compassionate care. Our work focuses on adoption services, education about responsible pet ownership, and working to reduce animal overpopulation and homeless pets. In addition to our community role as a stray and pet intake and adoption facility, we offer a year round pet food bank to keep families together, a dog park, as well as two resale store operations that support funding our mission. Our goal is to alleviate animal suffering and neglect and to support the human-animal bond by bringing pets and people together.